Well, like it or not PostScript is the defacto standard printingThis's really courious at least. More than 90% percent of the printers in
language for 90% of all UNIX apps. This doesn't mean that it is
the best solution, just the easiest.
The choice of the easiest path to support printing in old Unixes is
of the mayor lacks of the Unixes applications. I never understand
I need to buy or sell a printer to work properly with an app.
Any general printing solution for UNIX/Linux must support PostScriptOK, but we're wasting a lot of time and words talking about just
to be accepted. If GNOME can add a new, portable metafile format
that is resource-friendly and will allow for things like accounting,
color management, etc., then it will likely become a viable
alternative to PostScript for application printing.
Best Regards
--------------------------------------------------------------- Juantomás García Miembro de Hispalinux http://www.disoft.es Comite Organizador Expo-Linux 2001 http://www.lared.es