Re: [Gnome-print] PATCH: support freetype

>>>>> On 23 Aug 2001 15:14:08 +0200,
>>>>> "LK" == Lauris Kaplinski <> wrote:

LK> You probably cannot. HEAD font handling is too much changed,
LK> but as it uses FreeType2 directly, supporting CJK there should be
LK> quite trivial.
LK> HEAD is changing still, so I am not sure, whether it will be released
LK> at all, or will the changes there appear in gnome2.

I see.

LK> Hmmm, that seems like a good idea to me ;-)
LK> Also, maybe add default="true", so users can explicitly select,
LK> which fonts will be used as default, for some language.
LK> Still, there are problems:
LK> a) We need addition to API for language selection, something like:

LK>    gnome_font_face_find_closest (familyname, style, language)

LK> And language will get absolute preference over other attributes.
LK> If NULL, locale language will be used, and ordinary fetching
LK> methods default to using current locale.
LK> Still, that is not so easy :(
LK> For CJK AFAIK single font is actually for single language. For
LK> europaean this is not true. It seems silly to list all latin
LK> languages in font description (I even do not have idea, how
LK> many there are). One cold do latin1 default, but even then, there
LK> remain other latin charsets etc.

Yes, I know. so I think that it isn't exactly necessary
those params. also, if doesn't found a locale which specify,
I think that it unavoidable to return all of languages
default font(lang="C" or no lang and default="true") as
Helvetica finally.

font search sequence is here:
1. language is specified
1a. find out a language font which is specified.
1b. find out a language default font which is specified.
1c. find out a font without language
1d. find out an all of language default font.
1e. return a Helvetica

2. language isn't specified
2a. find out a same font as locale
2b. find out a same default font as locale
2c. same case 1c
2d. same case 1d
2e. same case 1e

LK> Current PDF driver does not support 16bit encoding at all. I have
LK> to poke Chema, to find out, how much work is needed for that.

LK> OK. I'll start merging your code locally now. I think I'll do
LK> short-term CVS branch, as I'd like you could work on it directly,
LK> but the changes are bit too big for working in stable branch.
LK> If everything is OK, we can do 0.30 in weeks ;)

Ok, thanks!

Akira TAGOH ::
       / Japan GNOME Users Group
      / GNOME-DB Project
        / Red Hat, Inc.

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