Re: [Gnome-print] Web site?


I updated the web page with a second level of subsections. See what you

If you think it's ok, I'll rearrange the pages to reflect the structure
you began:

> Home
> Developer info
> - Architecture
> - Driver basics
> - ...
> User info
> - Basic usage
> - Tutorial
> - FAQ
> Getting involved
> - Mailing list(s)
> - CVS information

...or whatever else you think would be better. I'm still not sure of
what content will be included outside of what's already there, though.

Any more thoughts on a posting location?

Finally, while I've tried to keep the code as simple as possible for
easy maintenance, there are a ton of extra font tags (in addition to the
style sheet) for backwards compatibility with Netscape 4.x. If you think
it's too messy, the design can be simplified or I can handle navigation
with graphics.

Steve Hall  [ ]

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