Re: Familiy name in Alias and alias brokeness.

>>>>> On 04 Feb 2003 11:26:42 -0500,
>>>>> "CC" == Chema Celorio <chema ximian com> wrote:

CC> Because font aliases in fontconfig are not part of the "list of fonts", 
CC> you have to create them. See gp_fontmap_load_fontconfig that is where we
CC> get the list of fonts and then in gp_fontmap_add_aliases we add the
CC> aliases.

I know that. it's no problem. sorry. my question is why
is_alias is necessary.
I read Bug#103857. I assume it has the same font name in the
dialog, right? if so, right now the alias fonts in
gnome-rint is given for fontconfig. gnome-print shouldn't
have owned alias font. I mean something like not having in
fontconfig, because it may breaks WYSIWYG stuff. we killed
XLFD stuff now. so we can use the same font name for
displaying and printing.
And I think the alias fonts as Sans, Serif, and Monospace
should be shown in the font dialog, in other words,
gnome_font_family_list() and gnome_font_list() should
handles them -- when gnome-print might use the font through
PangoFont stuff, they will be unnecessary, though --
is_alias apparently bother it. if you have an idea which
it's needed, please let me know.

Akira TAGOH  : tagoh gnome gr jp  / Japan GNOME Users Group
at gclab org : tagoh gnome-db org / GNOME-DB Project
             : tagoh redhat com   / Red Hat, Inc.
             : tagoh debian org   / Debian Project

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