print dialog confusing


I just tried printing from Evolution 2.2 on Ubuntu Linux 5.4 and noticed
a new print dialog.  It seems this is using the current libgnomeprint

After I go to File->Print..., I get a grid of
Printer			State	Jobs	Location
Generic Postscript	
DeskJet-3550		Ready

A common task that is easy to accomplish under Windows yet I've never
found easy under Linux is to set my printer to use only black ink for
this print job.  I also wanted to ensure my paper size was correct (A4
for Australia, also set using Debian's "/etc/papersize" so hopefully
apps would default to this) and set the page orientation to landscape.

The "Settings" drop-down list below the main grid on the "Printer" tab
seemed like a reasonable place to start.  The list defaults to
"Default".  Clicking on the list shows a separator with "Add new
settings", however that item is grayed out.  I would suspect that leads
to some sort of printing profiles, but I don't know because I'm not

My main problem is that I next tried the "Add" button on the right of
the Settings list.  Instead of being able to add a new printer profile,
I ended up in the New Printer Connection wizard.

I fail to see the need for a user to add a new printer at this point, or
at least think it is a task not frequently performed and the presence of
this button is likely to be confusing enough that on balance I would
suggest you consider removing it.  If it is retained, it certainly
shouldn't appear in the same row as the Settings drop-down list, as its
current placement implies the two are related, from which one might
infer the Add button was supposed to add a new "setting" or profile.

Michael Wardle <michael endbracket net>

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