Re: Tool for update of Xft/fontconfig font directory list?

Toralf Lund <toralf kscanners com> writes:
> Wasn't Xft-2 supposed to handle bitmap fonts?

Sure, it handles them. But they aren't really useful in most contexts
(most contexts require fonts that can scale), and they clutter the
font selector with a ton of fonts that will look ugly and not work in
all contexts.
> I do miss some of them...

The idea is that users can add the 2 or 3 they use to their own

> Apart from that, you could obviously have chkfontpath (or similar)
> register different paths with different backends according to some set
> of rules.

I'm not sure what those rules would be, though.

> 1. I was very frustrated when I upgraded to GNOME2/Xft and found that
> a lot of my old fonts were gone from the list, and had to spend a lot
> of time figuring out how to configure the new (more or less
> undocumented) system. chkfontpath integration would at least have
> saved me, and possibly other users, from a lot of frustration during
> upgrade. A suitable %post in the rpm might also be sufficient for this
> purpose, though. A separate tool would have been helpful if it had
> been made easily noticeable (e.g. via desktop links.)
> 2. If you add another font directory you usually want xfs _and_ Xft to
> see it, so you have to update two different sets of config. Being able
> to do it all using just _one_ command would obviously be a lot simpler.
> 3. I know some RPMs that install fonts and call chkfontpath to make
> them visible.

Note that the old font stuff is more or less intended to die
someday. So we don't want to get the two systems overly entangled.

For Xft what I think RPMs should do is install to /usr/share/fonts,
rather than add a new directory.

Docs could definitely be improved.


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