some ideas to gnome-shell

I've tested gnome-shell and think it's a good job with great opportunities to improve the desktop. After reading and seen some comments on this list I'd like to mention some ideas and answers to some ("quoted") questions from an user point of view. They are based on my own opinions and preferences. I believe that some of my ideas might have complications that I'm not aware of, however, if any of them is useful to create a better gnome-shell I'll be already satisfied both as collaborator and user...
*Activities window*:
∘ When a search or a selection to look for applications or documents is activated in the overlay, a extra layer is created. I feel that this approach doesn't perfectly match the overlay design while an obvious choice is available that would require (I guess) little effort to implement. A natural expansion of the overlay to the right, shifting the active desktops to the right would fit better in appearance and functionality. In the same line, the size of the new layer uses a fraction of the screen. As the user goal is to find something, all the available space should be dedicated to show search results. If an icon has to be dragged then the expanded overlay could became transparent or retract.
   ∘ consistent and common use of ESC, including to leave fullscreen 
   ∘ "Should also be able to launch documents in a specific application 
by dragging the document icon onto an application icon?" Absolutely.
*Use of the Clock in the top-bar*:
∘ I think the a different overlay should appear showing all tasks related with time, scheduling, etc. For example, it could be a fullscreen overlay with vertical divisions showing items as calendar, a TODO list (this would be a great think to have and if it was integrated in the system and not an additional application it would be even better), the user schedule (here if it could be integrated with Evolution or Thunderbird it would be perfect), and a timer/event creation.
*User status menu*:
   ∘ "Is this a good place to open my Contacts lists"?
‣ this should be a good place to open contact lists and e-mail/chat programs ("communication programs"), unless communication would be strictly considered an "activity", in which case it would go under the "Activities". However, it looks like Activities doesn't have much space left for another list of items.
*Message Tray*:
   ∘ separate notifications and messages:
‣ notifications could be the same as used by the new ubuntu notification system, but on the botton-right instead of the up-right corner. Those would include sound, brighthness, etc. changes. If they became transparent and are unclickable they wouldn't interfere with any resizing handle. ‣ messages that allow interaction should be differentiated because they would have buttons or other mechanism to allow interaction. These could be shown in the button-center of the screen as proposed but, again, with a similar pattern to the ubuntu notification system. Also a bubble notification. ‣ Program messages that would require the user interaction for the program activity could be shown with a similar format and appearance than the notifications (size and shape), but in the center of the screen (perhaps in light background color instead of dark). ‣ The different location of the notifications and messages would provide an intuitive and uniform system for differentiation of their type. Users would know that notification don't allow interaction and because they would be on the botton-right corner they would be even less distractive. As they gain importance (notifications that allow interaction and messages) they are promoted to more visible areas; botton-center and center of the screen, respectively. ‣ The user should be able to select the kind of notification (with/without interaction) to be provided for e-mail, calendar, etc. or other standard events (classify them).
   ∘ Summary mode could be accessed through the user status menu. Once 
selected by the user, it could show all notifications stored. And then, 
imagine, if they were in an overlay background, it would be a perfect 
integration in the whole gnome-shell and would not require a botton 
panel at all.
   ∘ "Should we have a way to go directly to an application from the 
Summary mode?" Sure, if they would be shown in an overlay, they could 
have two icons: one for deletion and other for action, in which case, 
the proper application would be launched.
   ∘ "Should notifications be "chunked" to limit number of 
disruptions?" Yes, the user could limit a maximun number of notification 
to show up. The system would provide a default. If more are present, 
they should be queued. Duplicated notifications should not be shown or 
ideally, to be offered as an option to the user.
   ∘ "Don't show any notification/message when a fullscreen app is on 
the primary display?" Never, except when running on low battery or other 
critical system notifications that would stop the fullscreen 
presentation anyway.
   ∘ "Should there be a special system modal type of message?" It 
depends. The same message could be show in the center of the screen 
using the standard notification system. However, if yes, then all the 
notification and message system should have this format.

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