Re: System Status Area

On 2 April 2010 03:10, William Jon McCann <william jon mccann gmail com> wrote:
> I'm cc'ing the maintainers of the key components involved (volume
> control, bluetooth, network, power, GTK+) for their input.

>From a power point of view
I pretty much agree with Jon's mockups, I've already committed some
changes to master to move the percentage right aligned, and I've got a
branch with the symbolic icons that still needs a little more work. I
certainly think showing the discharge time more prominently in the
drop-down is required, especially if the future status are does not
have tooltips like was suggested.

I am quite keen to stick to a GtkStatusIcon based architecture, unless
of course projects like LXDE and XFCE are okay implementing an
external dep such as libappindicator or whatever.


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