Re: gnome shell (workspaces)mockups

I also like the idea, and was actually thinking on proposing something similar. A small couple of details I'd like to add.
And another, more important point...How much application specific work would be needed in order to do this? For instance, opening firefox with certain tabs open is something that requires specific coding, that perhaps will be different in chromium or epyphany or midori or etc...Or even with text editors...How can I save gedit with a certain set of documents opened in tabs, does that require application specific coding?

Overall, I love the idea, but im concerned by this last point I mentioned...


On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Ryan Peters <sloshy45 sbcglobal net> wrote:
On 01/08/2010 01:52 PM, dani wrote:
Hi, Im Daniel.P and i'm a designer.
Few days ago i'm work on ubuntu projects, and now I would like to
explain one of my ideas for gnome shell on graphic mockups.
hope you like.

mockup 1:(desktop)

-places are not activities
-add more space for documents in activities mode

Mockup 2:(activities mode)

-add eyecandy. get a nice look is very important to gnome shell for
users to accept

Mockup 3:(save workspaces)

-This idea was previously expressed by any user, now I have refined
-the icons express the funtionality and minimalism style(its probably
better in more smaller)
-when you click a save icon, the shell is blocked and you can move the
mouse over the workspace that will light the edge in its path.

Mockup 4:

-can save their workspaces in a backend designed for them

Mockup 5:

-and finally you can load the workspace you saved easy and simply.


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gnome-shell-list gnome org

Fantastic! The concept of loading/saving workspaces would mesh perfectly with the gnome-shell concept! If I was working on a song, for instance, I might want LMMS, Audacity, Kdenlive (for the music video), and Hydrogen opened at once; saving those applications as a workspace would be perfect for me, because any time I felt like working on the song I could just load my workspace and it'd appear in addition to the ones I already have open.

One thing I'd like to add to the "activities" think-tank: what about "groups" of workspaces? I'd most certainly want my audio and video applications on different workspaces, or if I had my audio/video related things on one workspace and Gedit open on the other for editing the song's lyrics... I'm not saying that I'm an independent musician, though I wish I was.

This would be great for jobs where opening one application after another is a chore. Maybe each saved workspace could appear under "applications" in the overlay? It would most certainly more than make up for the extra space we'd have if the Places menu was put next to Activities (which, in my opinion, is an interesting idea as well). If a person right-clicked a saved (group of) workspace(s), maybe it could give the option of "merging" it with one (or more) currently open workspaces. Of course, if my current workspace is blank, it should load up in my current one. Dragging and dropping a saved workspace would be great as well; for instance, if I want to open a saved workspace with Gimp/Inkscape and a few folders/images, I might want that in front of my workspace with Firefox or Pidgin/Empathy/Thunderbird.

I'm sorry for dragging on and on about my personal opinions regarding this, but since trying out the latest build of Gnome-Shell I've fallen in love with it, and I'd love to help make things better (it's a shame I don't know _javascript_, or I'd code a bit myself). Cheers!

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gnome-shell-list gnome org

Pablo Marchant Campos
Estudiante Licenciatura en Astronomía PUC
Miembro area TI SinergiaUC

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