Re: Named, persistent workspaces

I am very excited by the discussion about persistent workspaces. When I saw the first video of Gnome 3 and the focus on workspaces, my first reaction was; "This is all I have waited for". I have tested different Linux distros tha last 15 years, but never moved from my Windows desktop to any Linux desktops within this timeframe. For the first time I was excited about a Linux desktop.
I like the idea behind Gnome 3 very much, but I must agree with some of 
the complains from others users of this list.
The reason I was excited about workspaces was that now I could finnaly 
get som structure of all my open windows. Right now I have 30 open 
windows, by 13 differen programs. I would like to structure all the open 
windows to a named workspace.
A named workspace is easier to find, than just looking at the tiny 
opened windows. Is it even possible to locate a spesific workspace by 
just looking at its thumbnail in the Workspace list?
And I would love to see the name of my current workspace on the top bar. 
This will help me to organize my workspace.
I would like to be able to save/pin a workspace to start everytime i 
start my computer. Its is the same procedure everytime I start my 
computer. Thunderbird, Firefox, Editplus.
Workspace "bookmarks" ?

Dont give up on the dynamic workspaces, but let the advanced user be able to create named, persistent workspaces.
I hope Gnome 3.1 will be my first Linux desktop.

Lars Andre

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