Fwd: Re: minimize-to-tile would make for a more seamless experience

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: minimize-to-tile would make for a more seamless experience
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 22:32:29 +0100
From: twohot <twohot fedoraproject org>
To: Johannes Schmid <jhs jsschmid de>

On 31 January 2011 09:48, Johannes Schmid <jhs jsschmid de> wrote:

Wasn't the original design to remove the minimize button alltogether?
Haven't heard of this in a while though.

But he does have a point.  As much as Gnome-shell is cool as is today,
there is need for a way to defeat the obscurity problem without the
task bar.  Alt+tab is one way.  May be there could be something less
dramatic and direct.

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