A few suggestions for Gnome Shell


First let me say that I really like Gnome Shell and really appreciate the work that went into it. It feels really solid and polished for a .0 release. The dynamic workspaces has got me hooked. I do have a few requests for things that from my >1 month of usage has bothered me. I have searched in bugzilla for reports and for what I have found or saw in the design docs that there are being changed I didn't write up. If I have missed something I apologize beforehand. In addition, I also apologize for not making any mockups, my GIMP skills are not good in any way, I will have to rely on your imagination. Lastly, I apologize for the long email, I didn't intend for it to be so long...
I would like to point out that the Alt-Tab behavior, in my opinion, can sometimes be extremely counter intuitive. If we look at window switching in a use case scenario, we have the following cases: * Window Hunting: The user want a specific window which he hasn't used in a while. This is best solved by the overview and allows by a glace to find the window. The Alt-Tab functions as a mediocre replacement if need be. Navigation is relatively straight forward. Unlike the overview you see less info at a glace but that is expected. The only annoyance is switching between the 2 Alt's. This use case is handled well by the current situation. * Window Managing: The user want to see what he has open to manage his windows. (This includes closing unused windows, moving windows between workspaces, moving between activities, etc...). Obviously, the overview really shines here, but Alt+Tab is descent at seeing what else is happening at other workspaces. * Quick Switching: A user uses 2-3 windows and switches between them rapidly as he continues to do his work. This is an where most people don't even look at the switcher and just use quick instincts for this. For example, switching between a couple of documents that the user is working on simultaneously. Here the overview is poorly suited since it doesn't prioritize based on "last used" and requires a mouse which really slows down. If the switch is between 2-3 apps that have one window or windows of the same app then Alt+Tab or Alt+`, respectively, works quite well. The only problem is that a user has to rember which Alt+___ shortcut he needs when most users are "programmed" for Alt+Tab for a "get me the last window I was on" case. If the user switches between 2-3 windows of different apps that have more than one window, or worse 2 windows from one app and another window from a different app then the usage is terrible. The user has to continuously remember if he needs to use Alt+Tab or Alt+`, and if he does use Alt+Tab for quick switching then a bunch of windows will pop up and cover his other used window unless he uses a combination of Alt+Tab and Alt+`. While this may be OK for the Window Hunting case where a user takes his time to find a window, when a user want to quickly switch between windows this is very distracting.
Although I understand the desire to separate between app switching and 
in-app switching, I think this is confusing and ruins the quick use for 
alt-tab. An alternative should focus much more on allowing the user to 
switch between his/her 2 active windows regardless if they are from the 
same app or not.
Applications Overview Tab
Currently the all the applications are in an alphabetical view of all the applications. I would like to suggest that instead of the current default view, to have a categorical list like the way the search view categories the items with headers between each category. Also the category list on the right would not hide applications just scroll to the right category. In the current default application list it is not easy to find the app you are looking for since there is too much clutter. Most people are going to go for the categories on the right to help them sift/filter through them. This means that after going to the overview, hitting the applications tab then having to hit one of the categories on the other end of the screen and only then go back and look for your app. This way the user can by default already scroll down to the app he/she want immediately if it is accessible. Additionally, for most categories you will get about 1-1.5 lines of applications. Most users will only have 2-3 categories that are really packed (usually the All-In-One categories like accessories and other). This means that the filtered look seem a bit too empty. The only wasted space in this case are the "dead space" at the end of each category which shouldn't be too much accumulated. (On average this should be about half the amount of categories of rows of applications). The only use case which I think is hampered by this change is someone who needs to find an application based on name but doesn't know the category. In that case, though, the search will perform much better.
Window Menu Overlay
Currently the right click menu on the windows is really out of place in the shell. In addition there are quite a few window actions which in the current form might be hard to do for people who have a hard time using the mouse. (Dragging the move between workspaces, dragging to maximize, resizing can be hard due to small borders, etc...). I would suggest turning the window right click into something which would allow for easier actions on windows. When a user right clicks on the title bar there is a black translucent overlay covering the window (similar to activities overview). This overlay will have big "grabbers" in the corner allowing for easy resizing. Dragging anywhere in the overlay will allow easy moving. In addition there will be relatively big buttons under the titlebar (like a toolbar) for maximize, close, and other similar actions (stay on top?, etc...). On the right side of the window there will be the workspaces like they appear in the overview allowing for easy switching between workspaces. It is very important that there will be an easy shortcut to get in and out of this overlay (again, so users who have a hard time with a mouse will be able to get in easily) and all of the actions in the overlay should be accessible by keyboard. (For example, arrow keys will move, shift+arrows will resize, alt+arrows will move between workspaces, etc...).
Thanks again for all the hard work on this desktop, much appreciated.

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