Incompatible extension not giving error when attempt to install on Gnome Shell 3.4.1

There appears to be a problem with the Gnome Shell website.

A 3.2 extension gives no error when an attempt is made to load it on a
computer running Gnome Shell 3.4.

I received the following automated msesage:
Your extension, "Active Notifications Indicator" has received 
an error report from jpangburn:

What's wrong?
Won't install.

What have you tried?
When I set it to "ON" it asks me if I want to download and 
I say yes.  When I then go to "Installed extensions" to view it
and configure, all my other extensions show up but this one 
does not.  Returning to the Active Notifications Indicator page 
has the status set back to OFF.

I've googled around a bit but can't find out how to debug 
this, where I might find a log file, etc.  I have about 15 
other extensions installed ok so I think I'm going about the 
installation process correctly.

Automatically detected errors:

GNOME Shell Extensions did not detect any errors with 
this extension.

Version information:
    Shell version: 3.4.1
    Extension version: Unknown

Please email the reporter back to respond. The user's 
address is:

jesse_pangburn yahoo com

You can see the full report at:

The error reporting service provided by GNOME Shell Extensions 
is not a fully-featured ticket tracker and does not aim to 
replace a ticket tracker.

I replied:


The automated report that I received from the Gnome Shell website
indicated that you are using Gnome Shell version: 3.4.1.

The version of the extension on the website is only compatible with
version 3.2.x.  

If in fact you are using Gnome Shell 3.4.1 you would not normally see
the extension listed on the website.  When you first connect to the default display is:

               Sort by  Popularity   Compatible with    Current version

The "Current version" is the version of Gnome Shell installed on your

If you select  "All versions" next to "Compatible with" all extensions
will be displayed and those not compatible with the Gnome Shell version
installed on your computer will be indicated with slightly dimmed type.

If you attempt to install the incompatible extension you should get an
"ERROR" indication.  I tested from a computer with Gnome Shell 3.2.x. I
received an "ERROR" when I attempted to install an incompatible

I attempted to install the Active Notifications Indicator on a computer
with Gnome Shell 3.4.x installed and I got the SAME behavior that you

There appears to be some problem with the Gnome Shell website.  
I will report this problem to the Gnome Shell development group.
If you are not using version 3.4.1 of the Gnome Shell please let me
know.  You can verify the Gnome Shell version with Looking Glass:

Type Alt+F2  (Press and hold Alt and press F2)
You should get a prompt:  Please enter a command
Type   lg    and press Enter
You should see a black area with    js>>>    in the lower left corner.
Type  imports.misc.config.PACKAGE_VERSION     and press Enter.
You will see the Gnome Shell version in the upper portion of the black
(Looking Glass) area.

Type the Esc key to exit lg.

If you have any questions or comments please email me.

If I need to file a report on gnome bugzilla let me know.

Norman Smith

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