Re: Customizing Gnome shell extensions during the installation

i was trying following to enable selected extensions but no luck. How to enable them for all users will created for the system?
I could not manage with the information under vendor overrides.

gsettings set enabled-extensions '["alternate-tab gnome-shell-extensions gnome org","alternative-status-menu gnome-shell-extensions gnome org","places-menu gnome-shell-extensions gnome org","apps-menu gnome-shell-extensions gnome org","auto-move-windows gnome-shell-extensions gnome org","drive-menu gnome-shell-extensions gnome org","icon-manager krajniak info","mediasplayers@ycdref","native-window-placement gnome-shell-extensions gnome org","pidgin gnome-shell-extensions gnome org","themeselector fpmurphy com","user-theme gnome-shell-extensions gnome org","windowsNavigator gnome-shell-extensions gnome org","workspacesmenu fpmurphy com","dock gnome-shell-extensions gcampax github com","weather gnome-shell-extensions gnome org","systemMonitor gnome-shell-extensions gcampax github com","calc patapon info","workspacesmenu fpmurphy com","workspace-indicator gnome-shell-extensions gcampax github com","xrandr-indicator gnome-shell-extensions gcampax github com","places-menu gnome-shell-extensions gcampax github com"]'

do we need to play with skell directory or some where else.

highly appreciate if you could give an example to following actions.

01 to enable set of extension to all local users in the system
02. set the system wide default wallpaper
03. to set specific customization

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 11:48 AM, Florian Müllner <fmuellner gnome org> wrote:

On Jun 28, 2012 3:35 AM, "Danishka Navin" <danishka gmail com> wrote:
> gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.desktop home-icon-visible true
> gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri 'file:///<image-path>/image.jpg'

This is how you change the setting for the user that the package manager executes as (root), not how you change the default for all users. Read the section on vendor overrides in


Danishka Navin

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