Re: Differences for extension developers 3.4-3.6

2012/10/19 Davide Alberelli <dadexix86 gmail com>:
> Hi anyone!
> Where can I found something like an exhaustive list of differences
> between 3.4 and 3.6 to update my extension?
> Just to give an example, my extension uses Main.panel._statusArea.
> What this has become?

It is now Main.panel.statusArea, and Main.panel.addToStatusArea accept
an optional third argument to indicate where to pack the indicator
('left', 'center' or 'right').

> What other things have changed?

As far as API is concerned:
- OpenSearch and PlacesDisplay were removed
- the ViewSelector tab system was replaced with a simpler page API
- the screensaver is in process and accessed as Main.screenShield
- the session mode now changes at runtime (and this affect enablement
of extensions)
- some modules were moved into js/ui/components/
- St.IconType was removed, so you need to add '-symbolic' to icon names
- notifications, status items and search providers deal with GIcons,
not icon names
- message tray sources can override the right click menu
- ConsoleKit/Systemd were unified as util.LoginManager
- input sources are stored in GSettings and affect IBus too
- the volume status indicator was split in the menu and the actual indicator
With regards to UI and features, look at the release notes for the
complete list.
Probably there is something else I don't remember, so just try running
the old extension and see what breaks.


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