On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Reuben Thomas <rrt sc3d org> wrote:Of course:
> Thanks very much, that looks good. But is there no way to write this as a
> shell extension?
const ScreenShield = imports.ui.screenShield;
let _onUserBecameActiveOrig;
function _onUserBecameActiveInjected() {
  this._becameActiveId = 0;
  let lightboxWasShown = this._lightbox.shown;
  this._lightbox.hide();  // or the screen is not locked
  // Shortcircuit in case the mouse was moved before the fade completed
  if (!lightboxWasShown || !this._isLocked) {function init() {
function enable() {
  _onUserBecameActiveOrig =
  ScreenShield.ScreenShield.prototype._onUserBecameActive =
function disable() {
  ScreenShield.ScreenShield.prototype._onUserBecameActive =