On Apr 9, 2014 2:41 AM, "Allan Day" <allanpday gmail com> wrote:
> Hey Steve,
> Dodier-Lazaro, Steve <s dodier-lazaro 12 ucl ac uk> wrote:
> ...
> >> As with any detailed design discussion, face-to-face discussions are
> >> important also. There might be conversations about this at a couple of
> >> upcoming hackfests [2, 3]. Let me know if you're interested in joining
> >> us in Berlin, since I'm involved in organising that event. It would
> >> also be great if you could come to GUADEC this year [4].
> >
> > It might be a bit too late for SF :) I'm able to come to Berlin, do you reckon
> > there will be any time to discuss programming sandboxed apps? If so then I'd like
> > to join! I also put down the GUADEC dates on my calendar. Will be there, surely.
> Thinking about this, I'm not sure we'll talk about sandboxing all that
> much during the Berlin event itself. I was hoping to check in with
> Lennart about it while I'm in town (I'll pass on what I learn!), but
We talked about application sandboxing quite a bit with Lennart and we have a plan of action. I don't know if Lennart is coming to the Dev experience hackfest but if he is, you are welcome to engage with him about it.