ego website


From the ego website... 
Is there an estimated time when this will be officially out for 3.12?
This app is pretty integral to my gnome setup so thanks for the work
you've done towards making gnome better.

My reply:
I can't give a valid estimate. Currently there are more than 60 entries
in the review queue. In the past six months the length of time in queue
has gotten longer. I suspect it is a matter of priorities of the Gnome
Shell developers. I will post to the Gnome Shell mailing list that folks
are asking about delays. Thanks for your comment.

My entry in the queue is recent (less than two weeks ago, there is no
personal complaint).  I understand extensions are adjuncts to the shell
and other priorities will always come before them.  Questions from users
and a recent re-read of the thread started by the post
[] prompted this email.

I have no negative intent.  I think the Gnome Shell is moving in the
right direction but I do have some concerns for extension security.


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