Re: My gripes with Gnome Shell

On 09/26/16 20:00, Pascal Obry wrote:
Le lundi 26 septembre 2016 à 12:38 -0700, Jeffrey Needle a écrit :
Two things about Gnome that just make it unusable for me.  First,
Unusable? And you list after some very minor points!!!
I install Linux on a lot of computers.  My users all use an an app that 
needs to start from a shell script, and after I leave, they have other 
apps that likewise start in that way.  Minor?  Not to them.

top panel needs to be more customizable.  I want the FULL date, not
the month and day.
You can add the day of week and the seconds. Is that what you are
looking for?
Nope.  The year --- why in the world can't we have the year display?  
There are codes you can insert to display the date as you prefer.  Why 
does Gnome not let us just enter those codes?
In the old days, you were able to use a configuration tool to enter 
those codes.  Not any more.  Why?
   I want a working weather app.
What do you mean by working? I'm using the Openweather extension. Works
just great.
Mine says "Invalid Extension."
The other thing is
the difficulty in adding some apps to the favorites. If it's an app
is launched, say, using a shell script, you have to manually create
file to make it appear in the apps display. For new users, who I
regularly, this is just too difficult. Why can't the developers make
some of these things work correctly? Mate and XFCE have working
weather apps.  And XFCE lets you display the date and time in so many
ways, as does Cinnamon.
So use Cinnamon if this is what you like. That's the good thing with
all the choice around... So I still don't get your point.

I want Gnome to do this stuff.  I grew up on the old Gnome classic 
desktop, and I really wish I could continue.  Cinnamon is okay, but it 
just doesn't feel comfortable to me.
Oh well.  Back to XFCE.  All is simple there.

Thanks for the response.

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