Re: Extensions in GDM

On Wed, 2017-10-18 at 08:47 +0200, Jan Niklas Hasse wrote:
On Wed, 18 Oct 2017, at 08:38, Jonathan Dieter wrote:
I've created a gnome-shell extension that I'd like to run under
but it doesn't seem that GDM is capable of loading extensions.  Is
Yes, this is correct. Have a look at
Thanks for the link.  Just to make sure I understand, there is
currently *no* way to get GDM to load extensions other than recompiling

I've tried extracting the JS from, storing it in
/usr/share/gnome-shell/js, setting allowExtensions: true for gdm in
ui/sessionMode.js, and setting the GNOME_SHELL_JS environmental
variable in the systemd service and /etc/gdm/Init/Default, but that
doesn't seem to work.

I would prefer some method that doesn't involve changing files
installed by the rpm (or generating my own rpm), but I'm starting to
think there isn't any alternative, at least until Ray's proposal (at
the link) gets implemented.


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