Re: Weekly Update:LLMNR Protocol Integration in Avahi.


I wasn't able to do much becuase I had to go out of station for two days to attend a family function and one day was spent on another meet-up meeting few more gsoc students. (No more meet-up's!)

Last week summary :
I've implemented LLMNR but testing has not been done yet.
1. Uniqueness verification of a name : Hostname or any another name for which client wants to register for LLMNR queries, before we start responding for those names a uniqueness verification process is to be performed first. If another host is already using that name, a conflict has been detected and we should take back our name. So I wrote an object (AvahiLLMNREntryVerify) which would be used to do the verification process for new LLMNR entries.

2. Server File : This file includes basic but important methods as like registering a polling object, dispatcher method to dispatch a packet to appropiate handler (query/packet), handling query packets, handling response packets etc. This file took some time but it was fun writing it, really. ;)

This has completed my 75-80 percent of work of integrating LLMNR in avahi-core and once this code starts to work perfectly, rest of the part would not take much time. I have arranged one more system and will start testing from today. So this week I'll be doing testing, testing and more testing.

Have a great week!

Sunil Ghai

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