Intro (Florian Ludwig)


so here my (not that little) self introduction: My name is Florian
Ludwig, I life in Hannover, Germany, where I'm aiming for an Bachelor of
Science in Computer Science at the "Leibniz Universität Hannover" [0]
right now and of course plan to do my master afterwards. I'm just 3
semester on this way though, so still got a lot to study.

This is my first time that I applied for google summer of code and I'm
exited about it and really happy to do my project within GNOME and its
wonderful community. (bootlicker++)

I'll spend my time working on pulse, a web app [1] not that widely known
yet, I think. My hope is to make it as useful for a wider range of
contributers of the community by integrating issue tracking.

So some links about myself and the project:

My project on melange:

The full version:

My weblog I created to write about gsoc:

My email address obviously is dino phidev org, which is my xmpp/jabber
account as well. I tend to hang out in #usability and #docs on gimpnet.

Florian Ludwig <dino phidev org>


[1] A test installaion for those who are interested can be found at:

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