Re: [weekly report] week 7: Music sharing in Banshee using Telepathy [banshee-soc]

> That looks pretty good.  Because your method uses the Telepathy
> FileTransfer API, is there a chance that at some point in the future
> Rhythmbox could get a compatible sharing plugin (i.e. the protocol
> isn't Banshee specific or could be generalized)?

I'm not sure if this will answer your question or not, as I'm not sure
if I totally understand what you're asking. But, a lot of the code I
have written to interact with the Telepathy framework has been bundled
into an API that is generic and not Banshee specific. However, with
that being said, since Rhythmbox uses Python and C, it may be less
work to interact with the Telepathy API directly and write something
from scratch.  All of my work is coded in C#. Of course, as an
inexperienced, student developer, I could be wrong. :)


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