Re: interns' lightning talks at GUADEC

Hi, Christophe and Marina.
Here my presentation (in attachment). If you have any advices specially for me, please say. ;)
Best regards, Anton.

27.07.2013 14:37, Christophe Fergeau пишет:
Hi everyone,

2013/7/17 Marina Zhurakhinskaya <marinaz redhat com>:
We have an interns' lightning talks session scheduled at GUADEC for 16:20-18:00 on Sunday, August 4. It's 
organized by me and Christophe Fergeau (cfergeau gmail com), so please send all the responses, questions, and 
slides to us.

You will have 3 minutes for your presentation, and all the slides will be compiled in one presentation file 
ahead of time. Please send your slides to us in the .pdf format by Monday, July 29.
July 29th and GUADEC are coming fast, don't forget about these slides!
If you need any help with the slides, with practicing the
presentation, or if you have any questions, just ask :)


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