Re: <DKIM> Best GUADEC dates for interns?

On Fri, 24 Aug 2018 at 16:26, Adrien Plazas <kekun plazas laposte net> wrote:
From my experience, the later GUADEC is, the better.

Begining to mid-August is a good time as enough has been done to be demoed, students received enough of 
their compensations to travel and it's just before the final "let's polish everything up" rush.
FYI, this year, the rush was exactly end of August (final deadline was
on the 22nd). Unfortunately, we can't predict the timeline that Google
will have next year.

The flipside to that is that it's good for retention rates for
students to meet the community in person earlier in their internships.
As a mentor, I'd always tried to arrange hackfests in the first month
of the internships, which seemed to go down well and help with

Adrien Plazas

Le ven. 24 août 2018 à 2:25, Ekaterina Gerasimova via gnome-soc-list <gnome-soc-list gnome org> a écrit :

Hi people, this year we had an unfortunate mis-alignment between GUADEC dates and GSoC payments which made 
it difficult for everyone to come along. We'd like to avoid issues next year *if possible*, so I'd like to 
hear your opinions as students or recent students from different countries on the two most likely options. 
Please note that there are other factors at play but we will do our best to make sure everyone has the best 
chance to attend. I'm expecting that you will have insight at least into exam dates and start/end of term 
times, and maybe even something we haven't considered. Our options are some time in the first half of July 
or second half of August. Looking forward to your replies! Kat 
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