Re: GNOME Theme Package Proposal

> At risk of inciting the wrath of anti-three-letter (ATL ;·) people,
> maybe .themepkg?

I'm trying to feel how a primer PC user could react listening the word
They read name file like: MyFlavorSkin.themepkg and understands the
words My, Flavor, Skin, theme that probably they learn during their
life experiences.
We know that thempkg mean them package becasue we know what pkg mean
related to our computer science experience.

Could be .skinnable a solution?
Or .themes?
Or .look?
Or .visual?

Why not: .cover?
In the real life Cover is used about the mobile phone cover skins...


> Theoretically it should be possible to just have a tarball of what would
> go in the .themes directory, no? 

Yes, sure.
Possibly my tar.gz Bundle propose take into account every aspect of a
skinnable application (more than just Gnome one).The engine that
handle the bundle has to extract the data and copy into the right
locations (~/.theme, ~/.icons or application specific data folder).



Luca Cappelletti

"...Together we stand, divided we fall."


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