BUG: multiple definition of `xdg_mime_shutdown'

What's going on here?  Why are the same source files and the same
symbols included in two separate but related libraries?

/usr/pkg/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.a(xdgmime.o): In function `xdg_mime_shutdown':
/build/package-obj/x11/gtk2/work/gtk+-2.4.10/gtk/xdgmime/xdgmime.c(.text+0x52c): multiple definition of `xdg_mime_shutdown'
/usr/pkg/lib/libgnomevfs-2.a(xdgmime.o)(.text+0x464):/build/package-obj/sysutils/gnome-vfs2/work/gnome-vfs- first defined here
ld: Warning: size of symbol `xdg_mime_shutdown' changed from 77 to 94 in xdgmime.o

You can't do this guys!  You have to choose one place or the other or
factor it out to a separate library (which libgtk _almost_ does)!

Why is xdgmime/* included _within_ libgtk for all unix hosts?  That's
simply not right.

It would be fine if libxdgmime.* was installed separately and always
linked as a library when necessary, but to include its objects within
libgtk-x11* is just wrong.

As far as I can tell nothing else in libgtk-x11 needs any xdg_mime_*
symbol in the first place!  (though I'm not sure why ld is trying to
force both copies of xdgmime.o to be loaded -- some other symbol I don't
notice must be pulling them both in within each library)

						Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098                  VE3TCP            RoboHack <woods robohack ca>
Planix, Inc. <woods planix com>          Secrets of the Weird <woods weird com>

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