Questions about Gnome-VFS


Because i am trying to write this KIO->GnomeVFS bridge and i am new to
both libraries i also have some questions about Gnome-VFS. (The
documentation does not talk a lot about the internal concept of

1) Main loop: Is glib main loop required for all Gnome-VFS operations or
only for the async operations? Or is it only used for certain modules?
(Do some modules iterate the main-loop inside synchronous calls
recursively for internal communication?).

2) The GnomeVFSDaemon: What's the purpose of this daemon? Is it only
used for the async operations?

3) Sessions: Does Gnome-VFS have a notion of sessions between the
desktop and a resource. For instance if you have a ftp-server, which
only allows one session per user, but multiple applications on your
desktop want to communicate with that server. Can Gnome-VFS "serialize"
all communication to that server in a single session?

What about archives (tar.gz or zip). Clearly you can only have a single
session with an archive when you want to change it's contents (don't
know if editing archives is possible with gnome-vfs at the moment). 

4) User credentials: Where and for how long does Gnome-VFS keep them?
Are they stored per client process when i use the synchronous functions?

5) What about GnomeVFSVolume and GnomeVFSDrive? What's their role in the
whole game? Are they related to authentication and sessions? When i
connect to a server via gnome_vfs_open(uri) - does Gnome-VFS
automatically create a Volume or Drive object?


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