When a method reaches the end of a file, it should return GNOME_VFS_ERROR_EOF from its read method, if it doesn't it's a bug. Christophe On lun, 2004-07-05 at 14:12 +0700, pclouds wrote: > Hi, > I tried to launch > gedit 'file:///tmp/test.gz#gzip:' > and it hung. Some debugging show that it get looped in > gnome_vfs_read_entire_file when byte_read is zero all the time and > the result is GNOME_VFS_OK. > Looking to gzip-method.c, i saw that when it get Z_STREAM_END, it > return GNOME_VFS_OK and set bytes_read to zero. I changed it to > GNOME_VFS_ERROR_EOF, then gedit runs fine. > I'm not sure if it's a bug or not. It seems like bzip-method returns > GNOME_VFS_OK when eof too. > Could you verify this please? > Regards, > PS. I'm using gnome-vfs-2.6.0
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