Re: How to use callbacks for authentication

Thank you Alexander I will look into the code you provided.  One other question when transfering using ssh with vfs is it using sftp? Or is it doing something else like a scp?

Thank you again for your help


Alexander Larsson <alexl redhat com> wrote:
On Mon, 2006-02-13 at 09:40 -0800, s satterfield wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I was wondering if anyone has an example on how to use callbacks for
> authentication? The application I am creating will have the username
> and password and won't need user input, however, I'm not sure if I
> need to use callbacks. And if I do how do I create the callback and
> get it to launch? This application will need to be able to
> authenticate for ftp, sftp, and ssh. I found a sample file transfer
> (text-xfer.c) that works with file://, but it is getting a
> GNOME_VFS_XFER_CHECKING_DESTINATION for ftp when I include the
> username and password in the URI. When I don't include it the program
> hangs. For sftp and ssh I get GNOME_VFS_XFER_PROGRESS_STATUS_OK:
> how to get it to log in. Any suggestions? Thank you for your time.

Its strange that it doesn't work when you add the password and username
to the uri. I dunno whats causing that.

For examples on how to use the callbacks, see
libgnomeui/libgnomeui/gnome-authentication-manager.c in gnome cvs.

Alexander Larsson Red Hat, Inc
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