Re: i18n issues

Jeff Waugh wrote:

<quote who="Joshua Eichorn">

I believe that i have the i18n issues figured out for the new website.

We will be using the doc-i18n-tool created by Jonathan Blandford
<jrb redhat com> this tool allows us to create a pot file from an xml
files without marking any strings.

Rawketty-rawk. Didn't have time to get to it this week. :| This ought to be
integrated into intltools soon, so we'll have a few more options to hand
through using the entire package.

Also this means we will have one translated file for each language, this
means that the translated xml files will have to sit in there own root,
but since they will, be created only by scripting and accessed only by the
site framework this should be an issue.

doc-i-t does it that way, but some of the xml-i18n-tools options don't -
they can integrate into the same file. Probably best to take some time on
this one, see what helps us more from a maintenance and xslt point of view.

i think its almost easier to do multiple files.
The files in actual tree shouldn't every have translations put into them, since then keeping things up to date would be a huge chore, and if its multiple files i can figure out which one we need to use on the php files really easily. Which is handy since i really need to know
language info for the cache to work best.

I'll be out of time so i won't have a chance to create a test
implementation but i should be able to get one done early next week, i'll
send and email when there is code to look at.

I might have some time to put into this this weekend. I'll post with stuff.

Thanks Joshua!

- Jeff


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