Projects Page

while browsing the Gnome website looking for possible improvements, I
stumbled upon several pages that are not in line with the 'new'
Gnome-website layout.

With the 2.6 release happening in a couple of months, I guess there'll
be a new wave of attention to the gnome website, so I'd be nice if
(almost) all pages had a coherent look by then.

Some pages I found which I'm willing to adapt, with a short
D:escription: S:uggested change and Q:uestions
D: Gnome sub-projects (applications), now just plain html.
S: Add header and stylesheet, update (ie. mrproject --> Planner)
Q: The difference between this page, d.g.o/projects and the software map
is not really clear. What can be done about this?
D: Press releases and Press Kit, amongst others
S: General updating:
* update Screenshots to 2.6 screenshots instead of ugly 1.x-screenshot.
Possibly add a 'historical screenshots' section like does
* update to new logo
* perhaps a new picture of Miguel?
Q: I've also found, I suppose
/press/ obsoletes this page. Perhaps a redirect would be nice?
D: Software map
S: The software map shows the new logo, but uses the old website look
and style. I'd integrate this in the new site look (header, style, ..)

Any questions/comments/warnings/advices are welcome!

Best regards,

Lode Vermeiren <lode linu cx>

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