A few changes on wgo
- From: Claus Schwarm <c schwarm gmx net>
- To: gnome-web-list gnome org
- Subject: A few changes on wgo
- Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 14:49:32 +0100
I'd like to add a few changes to wgo.
1.) Add gnomeweb-wml/www.gnome.org/support/index.wml (attached)
2.) Change the wgo header:
a.) Delete the 'user' link
b.) Add a link to 'support'
This is the first step towards the long-term goal described here:
Thos already agreed to help me getting them into CVS. This will happen
tomorrow if nobody objects. Thanks.
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<h1>GNOME Support</h1>
There's a livid community around GNOME and we're happy to help you
if possible. The following list points to several options you can choose.
However, GNOME interacts with a large number of other software projects.
In most cases, the Internet homepage of your distribution is thus
a better place to start.
We recommend that you first check the support options of your distribution.
<p>GNOME comes with full documentation. We provide a User Guide, a
System Administrator Guide, and an Accessability Guide, see our
<a href="/learn/">complete documentation</a>.</p>
<h3>Knowledge base</h3>
<p>A list of frequently answered questions (FAQ) and other helpful resources
can be found in our <a href="http://gnomesupport.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page";>
knowledge base</a>.
It is provided in form of a wiki – an online resource
everybody is allowed to change.</p>
<h3>User forum</h3>
<p>To contact others users, get help, and discuss topics around GNOME,
join our <a href="http://gnomesupport.org/forums/";>user forum</a>.
Note that developers seldomly read its topics, so it's not a proper way
request a feature, or report a bug.</p>
<h3>Mailing lists</h3>
<p>The <a href="http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-list";>GNOME
List</a> is a good place to ask general questions about GNOME. Often,
your question was already asked by someone else. You can find an answer
by browsing or searching the
<a href="http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-list/";>list archive</a>.
<h3>IRC channels</h3>
<p>The Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network with the largest GNOME presence
is GIMPnet, with the channels #gnome-help (for getting help with GNOME)
and #gnome (for developer discussion) being the main resources.</p>
<h3>Report a bug</h3>
<p>Something seems to be not working as it should? You desperatly miss
a certain feature?
Be sure to report in <a href="http://bugzilla.gnome.org/";>GNOME
Bugzilla</a>. If you're new to Bugzilla, you may find the
<a href="">Simple Bug Assistant</a> easier to use.</p>
<!-- <h3>Commercial support</h3>
// Mention the commercial support option, and a pointer to a list
of companies that provide support, training, and custom development.
// Mention the option to buy a good book, and a pointer to a list
of books about 'default GNOME' distributions, and books related to GNOME.
</p> -->
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