Re: [wgo] i18n interface

On Thu, 16 Nov 2006 22:55:47 -0800, Murray Cumming <murrayc murrayc com> wrote:
For the web project, it should be more or less like this:
1. Quim decides what the goals are.
2. We talk about it.
3. Quim decides.
4. Repeat.

I think that will work pretty well.
Excellent. Thanks for the clarification.

P.S. Please stop changing the post-to to gmane.comp.gnome.web if at all
possible. It's annoying to change it back to the mailing list address
every time I reply.
Sorry about that, but I only read the list through Gmane - I have to keep  
the mailing lists out of my mail account because of the sheer volume (I  
follow a lot of lists as the project leader of Plone, as you can imagine),  
and because I'm easily distracted from work if I don't keep them in a  
separate account.
I thought Gmane did the correct thing? It does on our mailing lists, not  
sure how this one is set up (I see that it's not set up to obfuscate email  
addresses, for instance — which is somewhat annoying for spam reasons).

     Alexander Limi · Chief Architect · Plone Solutions · Norway

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