Re: status

On 2/11/07, Joachim <joachim gnome googlemail com> wrote:
- The SoC guy who was working on it has vanished
- The code needs some work, but I don't know what. It's in our SVN and
in python.
Right. Here:

Who "owns" this project now? Documentation team?

Stefan Kost talk to me this week. He was really intererested in the
status of this project and he was fearing that the guy had disappeared
without leaving the source code. Good to see that our worst case
scenario is in fact better than it could be.

Is Shaun the only person that was following this project? Did I heard
Danilo had also something to do with it? I guess the question is if we
have the resources to work on the current code and release at some point. Shaun and Danilo are not the most
bored guys of the planet...  :)

> -
that's in SVN, under a totally non-obvious module name.
The whole dgo is in svn, I guess you mean somewhere else.

There's the GDP's style guide and handbook, but again they are in SVN,
and fresher verrsions than what dev.g.o carries.
Can you find out where, please?

Quim Gil ///

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