Re: Problem on

It's quite easy:

Plone and Zope is a system that has a methodology called buildout. This techinique is designed to deploy on a server a complete instance and all the dependencies in a local folder. It can install the cache system using varnish and the multiple zope clients on zeo server. So if it's ok for you, I can prepare a buildout and after that every body can do a :

svn co http://........buildout
./bin/instance fg

the last command start the system. YOu can define different profiles , developer, production, .. and decide which profile you want to deploy on your server. After this steps you can add to rc.d files something that start ./bin/instance start

I'll try to write this buildout tomorrow so if it's ok for you , you can try it on your local machine or everywhere, is it ok ?


PD: You can find more documentation at :

2007/10/6, Jeff Waugh <jdub perkypants org >:
<quote who="Ramon Navarro Bosch">

> Something happened to the hard disc and I need to go to the phisical
> machine ( a kernel panic ). Today is going to be difficult to solve it.
> In order to move the app to GNOME infraestructure I need a machine that is
> *NIX, with basic memory, basic HDD space and python-dev python-imaging
> libraries installed.

Right -- that we have. I'll need documentation (and possibly directions) as
to what to install to get it going. I've asked about this a number of times,
but haven't heard anything back. I can provide sysadmin support for this if
I'm given what I need to do so.

- Jeff

-- 2008: Melbourne, Australia

  "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am: Stuck in the
     middle with you." - Steeler's Wheel, Stuck in the Middle With You


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