Re: Images that are part of the content <div> have an underline. How to remove this

No objections means go. Sounds good to me.

Sent from my cPhone

On May 14, 2009, at 1:04 AM, "Jaap A. Haitsma" <jaap haitsma org> wrote:

Nobody is replying. I guess that also means that nobody is objecting. :-)
However I'd like to hear at least support of one or two people before
pushing the change to git.


On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 19:59, Jaap A. Haitsma <jaap haitsma org> wrote:
So shall I go ahead and push the change to git?


2009/5/10 Jonathan Wilde <speedbreeze gmail com>:
Sorry for my slowness.  I've been busy with AP tests.  Luckily those
will be over on Wednesday for me. :)

I've really only worked on the CSS for the Plone WGO revamp rather
than the existing Gnome WGO.  Since switching from borders to
underlines would dramatically simplify a lot of the code for the Plone
WGO revamp CSS (I ended up overriding the borders for a lot of
elements in Plone), I'd be in favor of this change.


2009/5/8 Sébastien Nicouleaud <sebastien nicouleaud gmail com>:
CSS-related questions should probably go to Jonathan.


2009/5/8 Jaap A. Haitsma <jaap haitsma org>
On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 17:19, Shaun McCance <shaunm gnome org>  
On Fri, 2009-05-08 at 07:32 +0200, Jaap A. Haitsma wrote:
E.g. look at the GNOME buttons on
They have a dotted line under the images because the images link to
another page.

I can of course solve it on that page by putting these images in a seperate <div> and set custom styling for the <a> links in that <div>, but I think it would be better to solve it globally. Also the image on has a dotted line under the image
It's not just images.  It's all links.  Looks like somebody
decided to put a border-bottom on links.  It's a not-uncommon
trick people use to create an underline that doesn't cut off
the descenders.

Browsers know how to not underline image links (though they
do love those image borders).  But they're not going to do
anything special when you put a border on the a element.
So you have to go to extra trouble to remove the border in
cases where you don't want it.

Personally, I think it's just visual noise, and we should
drop it.

I agree. Patch attached. With the patch the dotted-line is removed. Every link is just has the blueish color and as soon as you hover on
it you get an underline (not for images of course)

Can I commit this change?



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