Re: [gnome-women] Help Host A Bug Day?

Mary Gardiner wrote:
The 28th is OK for me. So, what's going to happen? Is there going to be
anyone(s) with GNOME development/documentation/translation experience on
hand to help us find good bugs to work on?
I have some experience; I will ask around and see if any of the GNOME people I 
know are interested, and I will talk to the GNOME bugsquad and see if they would 
be interested in taking part as well.
I can take care of passing on info to LinuxChix as long as we've got a
good idea of what we're doing.
Ok cool.

-Mary, who suspects 1 day might be enough to get about 1/3 of the
development environment set up.
Well... I wouldn't think we'd need to have people setting up dev environments 
(especially if they're new to GNOME, that could be a bit of a frustrating start 
;-) ), I was thinking more bug triage work, e.g. like a traditional GNOME bug 
day (

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