Re: Control Center Shell

Thomas Wood wrote:
Denis Washington wrote:
Nice, I like your work! Your right, coding is better than criticizing,
so I'll start working on the clear button right NOW. ;)

Another thing that certainly needs work is the context menu for the
control center entries. The "Add to Favorites" button is for instance
practically useless because we don't use the SLAB menu by default, maybe
it's availability could be a build or gconf option. Also the bold "Start
..." makes sense for Windows users, but is not common for GNOME. The
entries may also need some icons for a better appearance. I'll try to
work on all those things and submit some patches soon.
Wow, I didn't even realise there was a context menu. However, it does
seem perfectly useless as it stands at the moment. Do we really need it
at all?

I think the clear button is a nice idea. I still don't understand the
search entry watermark. My initial reaction was that it was a clear
button, or a drop down menu or something.


I guess the watermark is often used in SLED so a user of that distro is 
"trained" to recognize such an entry as search entry, so it has a 
re-recoginition effect there. In GNOME that's naturally not the case, so 
it is useless. By the way, maybe we could meet in IRC some time and hack 
a bit on the control center shell? That would be pretty nice I think :).

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