Mouse a11y tab - was part of Re: Keyboard a11y tab

At 6:45 PM +0100 11/10/07, Denis Washington wrote:
We may also need expanders in the a11y tab of the mouse capplet I mocked
up [1], as there are some mousetweaks options I haven't added there
afaik, and the tab is already quite large now.

What do you think?


What about using the last picture of revision 34 of page [2] to start the discussion of the mousetweaks tab? In fact, the layout [1] is not correct anymore, as the "enable mouse a11y" checkbox has been removed as suggested on your page [1].
In layout [1], the ignore little movements slider is missing.

Moreover, in layout [1], the "Click automatically when stopping pointer movement" might suggest that each time the pointer stops, an automatic click is performed. This is true for clicking with click type window, but not for clicking with gestures.
In fact, in clicking with gestures, the click is 
only performed if the user does the gesture when 
the shape of the pointer is a cross. If the user 
moves the pointer while its shape is the usual 
arrow, he can move the pointer without any click 

A few more general questions:

- Are there any people of the HIG reading this list?

- Are there any people that maintain the mouse capplet reading this list?

- When and how will the decision be taken about what layout will ship with GNOME 2.22? On a Summit?
- Mousetweaks is still in the module proposal process; could this be a problem?




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