Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Reminder

El lun, 16-12-2002 a las 18:12, Damien Sandras escribió:
> Hi,
> To lead to a coherent discussion, I think the first questions to answer
> are:
> - Is it useful for users to keep a way to fix a precise and given frame
> rate/video quality ?
> - does giving a fixed range for FPS and quality with a bandwidth setting
> bring as much functionnality as the old way ?
Nope. Sometimes you want high quality and low frame rate (saying
somebody's girlfriend with gm) and sometimes you want low quality and
high frame-rate (watching a football match with gm[1]).
> Once we have answered that question, and if the answer is yes, we can
> find a way to integrate both things.
[1]. Yes, I did it. (but even adsl is not good enough) :(

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