Hi people! All the IPv6-enthusiasts among you: would you like to do some testing with an IPv6-patch for GM? Since the patch is really short, I have attached it to this mail. The patch was made with gnomemeeting-2003-04-11 but it should work with earlier/later snapshots as well. Here's a short instruction: - get latest pwlib and openh323 CVS-version - do "export IPV6FLAG=1" and compile pwlib and openh323 - patch GM with attached patch - additionally use "--enable-ipv6" with autogen.sh / configure of GM. - compile and install GM. This GM version should behave normally when using IPv4 (should be backward compatible). You can additionally make calls to v6-hosts with the v6-address in square-brackets, e.g.: callto://[2001:638:500:200:210:5aff:fe4c:cfd1] Known issues: - A6- and AAAA-records don't get resolved properly. This means you can't use a FQDN that resolves into a v6-IP. - ILS probably won't work at all with v6-addresses - There's still a lot of stuff to explore in GM when using this patch and you might encounter undeterministic behavious of GM when using it. All credit for this achievement goes solely to Sebastien Josset who did an excellent job on openh323 and pwlib. I merely tested and created the patch for GM according to his instructions. So please, show your appreciation to Sebastien! :-) Please post any questions you might have on this list. Christian -- JOIN - IP Version 6 in the WiN Christian Strauf A DFN project Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster http://www.join.uni-muenster.de Zentrum fuer Informationsverarbeitung Team: join uni-muenster de Roentgenstrasse 9-13 Priv: strauf uni-muenster de D-48149 Muenster / Germany GPG-/PGP-Key-ID: 1DFAAA9A Fon: +49 251 83 31639, Fax: +49 251 83 31653
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