Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [BETA8] the "little rough" release

I hope you added the #undef TRY_PLUGINS in
or that won't work...

Le jeu 14/08/2003 à 17:41, PUYDT Julien a écrit :
> Hi,
> this release is a step backward for several reasons:
> -1) it is possible the manager will load a plugin successfully, then
> crash later (probably something to patch in pwlib);
> -2) the manager is thread-unsafe (it seems the previous safety was
> buggy);

Indeed, hence my night of worries. I propose to add the mutexes again
once everything works. I will do it with you, mutexes have been my
nightmare since I code in GM.

> -3) plugins aren't integrated in the build (no more --with plugins
> switch), you have to do something like cd plugins/ && make plugins to
> get going (if PWLIBDIR != /usr/share/pwlib, you may have to set it
> before calling make);


> but of course, there is a reason for all these steps backwards; they
> are:
> +1) a new manager, that uses the PDynaLink class: that means the same
> manager should work regardless of the platform (but since the PDynaLink
> class seems to use RTLD_LAZY on unix-likes, this gives -1);
> +2) no need to patch openh323: that means there is no more bad case;
> apps using the old API and apps using the PDeviceManager API can live
> together in peace;
> +3) no need to patch gnomemeeting: Damien already committed all needed
> changes to make it work;
> How to get a patched pwlib:
> * apply the patch;
> * move include/ to include/ ;
> * copy plugins.h to include/ptlib ;
> * copy plugins_pdynalink.cxx to src/ptlib/common ;
> * configure with --enable-plugins ;
> * build;
> * install;
> How to get the plugins:
> * if you installed pwlib so that its .mak files can be found in
> /usr/share/pwlib/make/, just typing "make plugins" in the plugins/
> directory is enough to compile them if you have them in
> /usr/local/share/pwlib/make/, something like
> "PWLIBDIR=/usr/local/share/pwlib make plugins" should build them;
> * there's a chance that "make install" or the variant with "PWLIBDIR ="
> will be enough;
> Openh323 & GnomeMeeting just need to be recompiled. But they really need
> to be, don't try to get cheap:
> * include/ptlib/sound.h changed in pwlib, hence they both have to know
> of it, or sound breaks badly;
> * if you want gm to use the PDeviceManager API, then it needs to be
> recompiled.
> Snark
 _	Damien Sandras
(o-	GnomeMeeting:
//\	FOSDEM 2003:
v_/_	H.323 phone:  callto:// seconix com

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