[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [BETA9] the "soft again" release


I'll just reply to this mail to give you the .tar.bz2, since it would
make the message too big.

* an API and implementation to get drivers, that will allow Damien to do
like xmms (and force me to use ALSA all around);
* it seems the manager is thread-safe after all, since I discovered it
wasn't the modified version of Damien I used to make it (!);
* the plugins are back where you would expect them: in pwlib's build
system, with the --with-plugins switch;
* Damien's ALSA plugin, very very lightly patched to get it compile
(SNDIN&SNDOUT -> SoundIn&SoundOut);

You can recompile only pwlib, if you already compiled openh323&gm for
the previous release. (If not, you _have_ to recompile them, or any use
of sound will crash gm)


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