[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] To test...


The current CVS version of GnomeMeeting has support for plugins. It
means that you can switch for example on the fly from the OSS to the
ALSA plugin and the corresponding devices lists are regenerated.

Here are a few things that you can test:

1) Change the Audio and Video Manager (ie plugin) and see if the devices
are correct in both the druid and the prefs window. You have to try this
during a call and when there is no call.
2) Change the devices during calls and when there is no call and see if
it works and has the requested effect, also test in the druid.
3) use gconf-editor to put invalid values for the audio and video
managers and see what happens in GM. Also restart GM after you have done
that and see what happens.
4) Try to start GM without any PWLIB plugins available in /usr/lib/pwlib
5) All sort of things that you could think of and that could crash GM.

I would like that those of you who will test (thanks to them) tell me in
a mail what tests they have done. Tests 1; 2; 3 and 4 are very
important, but test 5 is probably the most important, because that is
what users will do. Please test!
Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com>

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