[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Quicknet code + GConf read-only keys

Hello to all,

The latest CVS version has full Quicknet support again, including in the
configuration assistant : the audio tester now works with Quicknet cards

I also added support for GConf read-only keys. Perhaps that's something
that should go in the FAQ and manual.

You can now force some values for some keys for all your users. That
way, you can force everybody using a given gatekeeper for example.

- killall gconfd-2
- as root:
gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory --type bool --set /apps/gnomemeeting/ldap/register false

That will prevent all users from registering to ILS.

- run gnomemeeting, and notice that the corresponding preference is grayed out and unmodifiable
- killall -9 gconfd-2
- gconftool-2 --direct --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory --unset /apps/gnomemeeting/ldap/register

to go back to the normal.


PS: I think nobody was doing the exact tests in teh wiki. I stopped updating it. All features of GM will
have to be tortured in the future anyway. I'm near completion for the features in the wiki.

 _      Damien Sandras
//\     It-Optics s.a.
v_/_    GnomeMeeting: http://www.gnomemeeting.org/
        FOSDEM 2004:  http://www.fosdem.org
        H.323 phone:  callto:ils.seconix.com/dsandras seconix com

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