Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Address book toolbar

Hi Damien,

DS> I think we will go for the toolbar solution. I just need to think what
DS> buttons we need, and for what actions.

DS> For now I see the following actions :

DS> - Add a group
DS> - Add a server
DS> - Add a contact
DS> - Delete a group
DS> - Delete a server
DS> - Delete a contact

DS> I do not see how to present things intuitively, 6 buttons for similar
DS> actions is too much. On another note, how would "Delete" work? Only when
DS> you select something, doesn't seem intuitive for me.

well, if u want fewer icons, then have them expand a list below them
when clicked long (or have a drop-down next to them, like mozilla)

DS> Any ideas how it could work?

how about a TrashCan icon which you can drop on/click?

(like for Gimp filters...)

Best regards,

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