Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] 0.98

> > Actually, that very much depends on where you live. The allocation of
> > IPv4 address space to Asia is very limited, and hence in that region the
> > demand for IPv6 support is much bigger than for example in the
> > US/Europe, especially for ue with protocols that aren't really designed
> > to work in NAT environments. So "nobody needs it" may be true where you
> > and I live, but not in other (big) parts of the world.
> I know that there is a big need, but hardly any ISP supports IPv6 atm, so why 
> add experimental stuff that only 0.01 % might be able to use ?
> >

As someone who lives in the Asia/Oceania region (namely New Zealand) I
feel qualified to jump in here.

1) Japan has 'substantial' ISP support of IPv6 and many other countries
are heading that way fast. It is way beyond 'experimental'

2) IPv6... China desperately needs it and is working closely with Japan
on getting infrastructure up and running and has committed significant
funds to get this going fast.

3) Mobile phones are all going IPv6 (NB: mobile phone technology in
Europe & Asia is way ahead of the US)

4) My company will be running IPv6 from the desktop in 2-3 months

Having said all that. I don't think we NEED it right now but I certainly
would like it within 6 months and would be very concerned if it wasn't
available in 12 months.


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