Re: Re[2]: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] SIP and GnomeMeeting - please comment

Hi Damien!

> callto://sip:user hostname
*This* is actually the best compromise so far because this would integrate the
generally used SIP-URI-format. You could also try to keep the callto://-URI
like this:

Let's say a call is made with callto://user hostname  You could try to
integrate the following behaviour:

(a) Try making the call via SIP:
	(a.1) Call fails => fallback to H.323
		(a.1.i)  Call fails again => General error-message
		(a.1.ii) Call is successful: great!
	(a.2) Call is successful: bingo!

Of course this should also work the other way around (just exchange H.323 and

In any other case: if call is made...

	... with callto://h323:user hostname, use H.323.
	... with callto://sip:user hostname, use SIP.

To handle the ILS-Issue you mentioned, go for solution (a)! This should work no
matter what client you try to connect.

If a fallback-option is unwanted, you might add an option to the
configuration-menu called something like "Do not use SIP/H.323-fallback".

Apart from that, solution (a) should keep the whole migration-part pretty
transparent to the user (if he/she doesn't want to use callto://sip:... or


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