Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] ILS extension on

Le ven 03/01/2003 à 14:54, Damien Sandras a écrit :
> My current solution is the following:
> - In case 1), you are online on ILS and visible to all users. 
> - In case 2), you are registered on ILS but you are not visible when
> refreshing the server. You are only visible when the user is doing a
> search for your particular e-mail. It is pretty efficient,
> I register to ILS with dsandras seconix com, but I'm not visible to
> users who are doing a refresh. However, if somebody is calling
> callto:// seconix com, it will work, even though
> I'm not listed.

This means I can't know a friend is online if I don't try to call

> I think it is still a better way to do things than filters because most
> GM users are in case 2). They don't use GM to meet new people. They are
> using GM to contact people they know around the world. Those people
> don't want to be listed on ILS, but they still want to have their own
> callto:// address so that their friends can contact them.
> Good or bad idea?

I don't like it...

> If you think it is a good idea, we could use the ilsa39321630 attribute
> proposed by Microsoft but unused by Netmeeting :

Unused by nm? Why did they propose that attribute then? 

> value 1 = personal; 2 = business; 4 = adult
> We would use 1 (= personal = normal use = listed on ILS), and 2 (=
> business = not listed on ILS but working callto).
> There are 2 ways to implement that :
> - on the software side, when we do a refresh in ILS, we add a search
> filter on the value 1, so that people with value 2 are not listed.
> The bad side of the story is that you can hack GM and ask him to list
> all users like before.

> - on the server side, if value = 2, we only list the user if a search on
> his email is done. if value = 1, we always list him.
> Ideas, comments ?

I really don't like your idea.

I want to be able to killfile someone that has the habit to call every
name on the server; has nothing to say; has sex-oriented things to say;
or a combination of all, but still be callable by friends, or unknown
people just trying to do some tests...
And when I'm in a less good mood, just prevent all non-friends to call


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